ABOUT US Lefleur Skincare Co. is an advocate of all natural and organic skincare products. We aim to support local manufacturers and helps boost Philippine industry in the field of beauty and skincare specialization. The content of our products are all natural and organic, with no trace of harmful chemical added. We would like to emphasize that our products are approved by FDA. Among many other beauty products in existence, Lefleur stand out for showcasing the naturality and organic purity of our products. We make sure that from production up to packaging, we are ranked among the finest in our field of expertise

Our Passion to help, mobilze, and grow the local industry suppliers brought us to realization of starting this company. And as we go along our researches, we found out that many products in the market today are loaded with chemicals and unnatural ingredience that does not only destroy our aesthetic and physical health but also our environment too. We also found out that the present existing supplier of organic and natural based commodoties are generally imported and expensive. For these reasons, we have refocused our plan of creating products that are not chemical based but rather purely organic and natural, as well as affordable.
We begin the company's journey by the notion of providing very effective products based on nature's organic wonders , and a competitive price which would not burden the pocket of common people. From this idea and principle, came the birth of Lefleur Skincare and Cosmetics Co.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS The operation of Lefleur Skincare and Cosmetics Co. as provider of natural and organic products is legally guided by the rules and regulation and licensed by FDA and other governing bodies under Philippines Government. We are also in compliance of the health and safety protocol of local government and follow the necessary business permit operation.
All business procedures are under the sole discretion of the owner/manager in consideration of the welfare of Public users.